Beyond the Street

Here’s a book that gets two thumbs up from me and that’s before I’ve even read it – which I’m planning to this weekend. The reason I like it already is not because I am featured in it! – but I admire the work that has gone into it. At least two years of almost constant research I believe, particularly from Patrick Nguyen who as I understand it took a career break to work on this book full-time. He went the extra mile, putting his own funds into travels around the globe to meet artists and being persistent to get the interviews and materials needed for the book.

The book has been made with the same care that I’ve tried to put into my own books. All of my publications have taken two years to produce and where I can I travel to meet artists all over the world in person to really understand the work. But enough about me… it’s just that I believe this is the only way to do it. There are too many lazy books put together by people who have not met artists in person or experienced the art first hand – and this, I’m glad to say, is not one of them.

Although I haven’t delved fully into the book I’m already familiar with the line up of characters involved – many of whom I have had the pleasure of working with and have had adventures with in the past. These chosen artists tend to be people who push themselves, innovate and have something special about them. Many of them I’ve featured in books and know very well but I am still looking forward to reading their interviews.

Finally my own interview – yikes! I wish I had taken more care with my answers – I didn’t even proof read them. So my own answers are delivered as relaxed e.mail written replies – rather  than anything too profound. But I think its okay and I’m happy to be included in this stellar list. I don’t really see myself as a “leading figure” – the books I have produced are about the artists I think are doing something interesting not about myself – but if someone wants my thoughts or experience, it was a pleasure to be included in this historical review.

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