BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico makes me so mad – and of course I’m not the only one raging at the recklessness of BP, by all accounts rushing into risky strategies to suck every last drop of oil from the earth at the cost of the planet. So I was at least heartened to see some artists getting things off their chests and reminding us that this disaster is getting worse and around the world conservation and ecology come a poor second to capitalism.
Greenpeace have set up a flickr site for artists to respond to the laughably “green” logo of BP.
Famously BP’s Chief Executive wanted us all to put this environmental disaster in perspective – “I would like my life back.” he said – we had somehow overlooked the important human cost of chief executives having to work a few extra hours!
The image that finally sticks in my mind is a piece painted recently by Blu with Os Gemeos in Lisbon. The painting features an oil tycoon sucking the life out of the globe – a tragic and spot-on depiction of our times.
Image taken from Unurth website.
Yesterday Blu uploaded a making of movie of this great work with the fantastic Os Gemeos…