A little late posting this but better late than never… Continuing my on-going curation role with Wahaca it was exciting to be in Cardiff recently working on their first site outside of London…

Having been a fan for some years it was a pleasure to invite the Berlin based dynamic duo (Julio and Sebastian) also known as 44 Flavours to work their paint magic for us. As their website shows they have an amazing versatility and spectacular artistic range from painting, to sculpture and design.

With some guidance as to the things we liked in their work, the artists were given free range to paint ideas that worked with the space and its distinctive features such as its raw terracotta bricks. Using motifs from their sketchbooks, doodles they had made whilst strolling around Cardiff and otherwise free-styling.

What I enjoyed about their work is that they liked to play with forms and break conventions – such as twisting perspectives or reversing shadows and objects to create unexpected compositions. Although the only shots I have are so far are from the last day of the production, the end results looked amazing. Thanks Julio and Sebastian!

News update: The Wahaca Cardiff site was the a UK winner in the Restaurant & Bar Design Awards in the Multiple Restaurant category – congratulations to Soft Room the architects for another fantastic job!