Stencil Graffiti Handbook

Here is a teaser for my new book for the rare visitors of my blog ๐Ÿ˜‰ In 2002 my first book was published “Stencil Graffiti” by Thames and Hudson which I began working on in 1999. Stencils as a topic have stayed with me as a passion and obsession which I have been following ever since and next year I am returning to with the publication ofย “The Stencil Graffiti Handbook” – which will be a hands on guide with lots of tips and tutorials. Thanks to all the artists who currently helping me with this as we put the finishing touches to the text and images. More news as we get closer to publication but I am excited by the cover we are working on with the Instituto de Corte in Bogota – Still a work in progress but looking good so far ๐Ÿ™‚ …

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